Support INESGlobal – Become a Member of INES


Individual members are expected to have – as a guideline – a training in science or technology. Other persons who are especially committed to the aims of the Network (see statutes) may become members also.

It is very easy to become an individual member – a simple e-mail with all relevant data to our address is enough. Please state your full name and address, phone, fax and mobile phone number and your e-mail.

INES is a charity foundation registered in the Netherlands. The rule of thumb for individual membership fee is 1 per mille of annual net income to be paid to our bank account at ABN Amro in Amsterdam/Netherlands.
INES, IBAN: NL23 ABNA 0568 8969 98 BIC: ABNANL2A

We send out from time to time a printed newsletter to all members. You will be added to the mail-subscription list of our non periodically update “Whats new in INES”.

INES members are invited to participate in the Council meeting.


Please fill in the membership application form and e-mail or fax it to the INES office.

Download the membership application form: Membership Applikation Form.pdf

and e-mail or fax it to the INES office: